Prompt Payment Reports

Prompt Payment Procedures

The Irish Blood Transfusion Service is committed to making every effort to pay its suppliers promptly. In this regard suppliers can help by ensuring that they provide correct invoices, accurate bank account details and by ensuring that their Tax Clearance status with the Irish Revenue Commissioners is up to date.

15-Day Payment Requirement, June 2009

The Government introduced a non-statutory requirement in June 2009 to reduce the payment period by Central Government Departments and Agencies to their suppliers from 30 to 15 days. Every effort, consistent with proper financial procedures, is being made to ensure that all suppliers are paid within this timeframe. The documents below show the Irish Blood Transfusion Service performance with regard to the 15 day payment requirement:

Quarter 1 2013.pdf (size 20.9 KB)

Quarter 2 2013.pdf

Quarter 3 2013.pdf

Quarter 4 2013.pdf

Quarter 1 2014.pdf

Quarter 2 2014.pdf

Quarter 3 2014.pdf

Quarter 4 2014.pdf

Quarter 1 2015.pdf

Quarter 2 2015.pdf

Quarter 3 2015.pdf

Quarter 4 2015.pdf

Prompt Payment Reports 2016.pdf

Quarter 1 2017.pdf

Prompt Payment Reports 2021.pdf

Prompt Payment Reports 2022.pdf

Prompt Payments 2023.pdf (size 325 KB)