19th June 2007 - Board Minutes
Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of the Irish Blood Transfusion Service held on Tuesday 19th June 2007 at 2.00 pm in the Boardroom, National Blood Centre, James's Street, Dublin 8
Present: MsMaura McGrath(Chairperson)
Mr. Sean Wyse
Dr Mary Cahill
Ms. Margaret Mullett
Dr Robert Landers
Mr David Lowe
MrMark Moran
Mr Gerry ODwyer
Dr Margaret Murray
DrCees Van Der Poel
Mr David Keenan
Ms Jane OBrien
Also in attendance: Mr. Andrew Kelly, Chief Executive
Dr William Murphy, National Medical Director
Ms. Mirenda ODonovan, Secretary to theBoard
1. Minutes of the meeting of15th May 2007
The Minutes of the meeting of Board of 15th May were agreed, proposed by Mr Sean Wyse and seconded by Dr Cees Van Der Poel.
2. Matters arising
MAK Systems
MAK have been slow to respond to our request for assistance with the changeover of hardware for Progesa.
C&AG Audit
The IBTS has responded to questions raised by the C&AGs office at the conclusion of the audit.
IMB Inspection NBC
The Irish Medicines Board will carry out an inspection of the IBTS tissue facilities next week.
Industrial Relations
The agreement establishing the IR Forum is being finalised and we hope it will be operational by 1st September.
eProgesa Review
A number of quotes have been received to carry out the eProgesa review. A decision will be made on this over the next few days.
3. Chief Executives Report
Blood supply
The blood supply has been very tight in recent weeks. We have taken a number of measures to address this, including increasing local advertising. The conclusion of a transfer arrangement between the hospitals in Cork would make a significant difference on wastage and assist the IBTS in providing a consistent supply more easily.
We are putting Service Level Agreements in place with all hospitals which we supply with tissue and also with suppliers of tissue to the IBTS. This is a complex process.
CUH have requested an extension of the service provided by the MRTC to theMaternityHospitaluntil September 2007. A proposal to second staff from the MRTC to provide this service on site at CUH was found to be unviable. A number of laboratory posts will be offered by the end of the week. It was agreed to continue the service on the current basis to 1st September. It was also agreed that the new SLA would highlight the need to take into account summer locum arrangements for training purposes.
National Haemovigilance Office
Pension Scheme
The Chairperson of the pension scheme Board of Trustees has resigned. This has created a vacancy both for a new member of the Trustees and a Chairperson of the Board of Trustees.
4. CorkCentre
The DOH&C accepted the Focus Group report and presented it to the Department of Finance. It is the DOFs view that a viable business plan does not exist for a new Cork Centre and the DOH&C has advised that the IBTS should examine the possibility of aligning some services with the HSE. The Board expressed concern about this, considering the IMB Inspection Reports on the existing building, issues of quality and safety and the severity and urgency of this project. The Board reiterated that they understood that it was Government policy that there should be two centres and that the report of the International Panel had been accepted. However, the Board is unable to deliver on this policy, because it has not got a decision on funding for the Centre inCork.
It was agreed that the Executive would prepare a report for the Board on quality, safety and risk in the MRTC.
It was agreed that the Chairperson should seek a meeting with the Minister to discuss the matter, outlining that a decision will have to be made this year.
5. Approval of Statement of Internal Financial Controls
The Board approved the Statement of Internal Financial Controls, which was signed by the Chairperson.
6. Presentation on Financial Accounts January - May Review
The Director of Finance made a presentation to the Board and focused on (i) the Financial Statements as at 31st December 2006. (ii) the annual audit by the C&AG and (iii) the financial situation year to date to 31st May 2007. The Board thanked the Director of Finance for her presentation on the Financial Accounts.
7. Financial Statements 2006 (Agenda item 9)
C&AG was happy with the audit process and the standard of financial reporting. The Board thanked the Finance team for their work through the audit process. The C&AGs Office may prepare a separate report, later in the year, regarding eProgesa.
The Board approved the transfer of ¬ 0 .75m to a research reserve. The Financial Statements were approved and signed by two members of the Board. Statement of Board Members responsibilities was signed by the Chairperson and a Board member. The Chairperson and Chief Executive signed the letter of representation.
8. Minutes of Finance Committee4th April 2007(Agenda item 7)
There had been an upward trend in costs. It was noted that authority expenditure limits have been reviewed. An International Review of Blood Banks, providing comparative analysis with the IBTS was discussed. It was agreed that the NMD would look at this with Dr Cees Van Der Poel.
It was agreed that the review of eProgesa should commence as soon as possible and be brought to the Finance Committee in the first instance. The CE confirmed that all work on eProgesa had been suspended by the IBTS.
A presentation was made to the Audit Committee on the Draft IT Risk Register. This Register will be ready by September.
Pension Scheme
The CE pointed out that any changes to the Trust deed must be agreed between the Board and the Trustees, and is not a matter for the Board only.
9. MAC Annual Report to the Board 2005/6 (Agenda item 10)
The Chairperson of the MAC presented the MAC Annual Report to the Board for 2005/2006. It was suggested that the Board consider an additional category of membership which may be more appropriate for some people.
There was concern expressed over the status of the Annual Report vis á vis the officially recorded minutes of the MAC. It was agreed that the Minutes of the MAC were the official record.
Minutes of the MAC Meeting19th April 2007
The NMD had visitedSwedento see about sourcing plasma for cryoprecipitate production. It was noted that Dengue fever was becoming more prevalent in South America. It was noted that the IMB reports will be circulated to the National Consultants and one member will review them and present a report to the MAC if anything of a medical policy nature arises.
10. Presentation on Environmental Health and Safety (Agenda item 8)
This item was deferred until the July meeting.
11. Minutes of Audit Committee Meeting2nd May 2007
The Chairman of the Audit Committee presented the Annual Report of the Audit Committee. One issue that was considered recently was whether the Committee should become the Audit and Compliance Committee with a changed membership. The Committee asked the CE to consider this issue and present a paper to the September meeting of the Committee. Ultimately it will be a matter for the Board to approve.
12. Profile of the IBTS
It was agreed that the Communications Manager would speak to the Chairperson about her message of acknowledgement for the donors at the launch of the Annual Report.
13. Correspondence
The letter of resignation from the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees of the Pension Scheme was noted. It was agreed that the Chairperson would write to the former Chairperson, thanking her for her many years of dedicated service.
It was agreed that Mr David Keenan would be appointed Trustee to the Pension Scheme and that Mr Gerry ODwyer would take the position of Chairperson of the Board of Trustees.
Mr Mark Moran declared an interest in being part of a Compliance Committee should it be agreed to establish one.
14. Date of the next meeting
The next meeting of the Board will be held on Friday 27th July at2.00pm
Signed: _______________________ Date:____________