13th September 2010 - Board Minutes

Minutes of the Meeting of theBoardof the Irish Blood Transfusion Service held onMonday 13th September 2010at2.00pmin theBoardroom, National Blood Centre, James’s Street,Dublin8.



Present:                                 Mr. Sean Wyse (Acting Chairperson)


                                                Dr. Mary Cahill  

                                                Mr. David Lowe 

Ms. Jane O’Brien

Ms. Ann Horan

Ms.SineadNi Mhaille

Dr. Paolo Rebulla

Mr. David Keenan

                                                Ms. Marie Keane



Apologies:                              Ms. Katharine Bulbulia

MrMark Moran



Also in attendance:               Mr. Andrew Kelly, Chief Executive

Dr. William Murphy, Medical & Scientific Director

Ms. Patricia McNally, Acting Secretary to theBoard



As the Chairperson could not attend the meeting it was proposed by Mr. David Keenan that Mr. Sean Wyse would Chair the meeting.  This proposal was seconded by Ms. Jane O’Brien


1.     Minutes of the Meeting of theBoardonTuesday 20th July  2010

The amended minutes were proposed by Ms. Ann Horan, seconded by Mr. David Keenan and signed by the Acting Chairperson.

2.     Matters arising



The CE noted that discussions are to take place with the crossmatch laboratory staff in Cork in the next few weeks.  He will report to the October meeting on these discussions.

Research & Development

There has been interest in the call for proposals in the areas of cell therapy and regenerative medicine.  The closing date for completed applications is Thursday 30th September 2010 and a review of applications will commence thereafter by the appointed panel.

Gala Concert

The Defence Forces Gala Concert takes place on Saturday 16th October 2010in the National Concert Hall and invites to all Board members and their guests will be sent out next week.

3.     CE Report



It was noted that Mr. Pat Harvey is to Chair the Health Sector Review Body to deal with issues that will be dealt with under the Croke Park Agreement on pay and public sector reform.  The CE noted that the terms of the Croke Park Agreement would facilitate change in D’Olier Street.  He noted that restrictions by the Department of Finance in relation to the package that can be paid under a redundancy arrangement could have an impact on the number of staff who would consider redundancy.

Recombinant Products

The issue with the contract for Recombinant Products was noted.  The CE confirmed that he had been in contact with the DOH&C regarding a meeting between the IBTS, DOH&C and HSE regarding this issue.  As this has financial impact on the running of the IBTS this meeting is a matter of urgency. 


It was noted that the meeting scheduled for Friday 10th September had not taken place due to a change of personnel in the Department of Health and Children.  It was noted that the lead time for any new Blood Bank Control System would be 2 – 3 years.  MAK have indicated that they will support the current version of Progesa until at least 2014 but will not give a definitive date.

Employee Control Framework

The CE noted that the ceiling for staff in the IBTS has not been agreed with the Department but there are critical posts which require to be filled to allow service to continue.  He confirmed that discussions were ongoing with the DOH&C to discuss this issue.  The CE said that if no agreement was reached with the DoH&C on the employment control framework by the October board meeting then the EMT would be seeking a meeting with the Board to discuss how the impact of the moratorium is to be managed to ensure effective and safe delivery of services.

4.     CorkCentre


       The 3 site options available were discussed by the Board including all issues relating to each site.  The Chairperson and CE visited the 3 sites in question on 13th September.  A letter from Mr. Pat McCarthy dated 9th September was circulated to the Board.  The Draft development control plan for CUH has not yet been agreed, but this should be concluded in the next 2/3 weeks and would give a clearer picture in relation to the site at CUH.  Parking is an issue with this site.  It was agreed that the CE should seek another meeting with the Director of Estates in the HSE to discuss / progress issues with the development of the new Centre. It is expected that the CE will be in a position to bring a recommendation to the Board for the October meeting.

5.     Approval of Financial Statements


       The Board agreed to sign off on the Financial Statements as at 31st December 2009and the annual audit by the C&AG.

       The Statement of BoardMembers responsibilities was signed by the Acting Chairperson and a BoardMember.   The Acting Chairperson and Chief Executive signed the Letter of Representation.  The Statement of Internal Financial Controls was signed by the Acting Chairperson.

6.     Pension Scheme


No date for the meeting with the Minister for Health & Children and the Chairperson has been agreed.  The CE noted that the Pensions Board had written to the Chairman of the Pension Trustees in relation to the November deadline by which a plan is to be presented regarding the funding of the scheme.  The Board suggested that the CE should request a meeting with the Pension Board to discuss the pension issue directly and the possibility of a special derogation in relation to the IBTS pension scheme until the issue has been sorted out between the Department of Finance and the Department of Health and Children. 

7.     Performance Framework


The CE noted the Quantitative Performance Targets agreed in the Performance Framework for 2010.  The cost effectiveness in relation to donors bled per collection staff WTE was noted as being 1.5 in some areas but unfortunately due to clinic scheduling / location it was not always possible to achieve this figure.  The costs were on the decrease and this was welcomed by all. The targets will be reviewed each year with the DoH&C.

8.     Strategic Plan 2010 – 2012


       The CE noted that the plan as circulated was for comment/suggestions by Board members before being sent for print.  The letter from the Department of Health and Children which made comments / suggestions on the plan had been incorporated where appropriate.  It was agreed that Board members would send any comments to the Acting Secretary by Friday 17th September so that they could be incorporated and the plan sent for printing. 

9.     Business Continuity Plan – National Blood Centre


       The CE made a presentation to the Board explaining the rationale behind the plan and outlining how the plan would be operated at each alert level.  Mr. Keenan noted that the Audit & Compliance Committee welcomed the plan and thanked everyone involved in the development of the comprehensive plan for the NBC.  It was noted that the BCP for the Cork Centre was currently being developed and will be presented to the Board at the October meeting.  Once this is approved there will be an overall plan for the IBTS.  It was confirmed that training on the BCP had taken place at managerial level within the NBC and each department had developed their own arrangements that would operate if the BCP was activated.  Ms. O’Brien felt there should be more clarity on the role of Quality within the plan and the role of the responsible person. 

       The CE will review this with the Director of Quality & Assurance.  The reference to patient care needs to be clear in the document. The CE noted that contingency in supply would also be tested over the coming weeks with agreement to supply from Sanquin.

10.  Minutes of MAC 18th May 2010


       Dr. Cahill confirmed that there were some amendments to the DRAFT minutes as circulated and circulated a copy of the final minutes as agreed at the MAC meeting today.  She noted that Dr. Emer Lawlor had made a presentation to the MAC on the Bone Marrow and suggested that she would make this presentation to the Board later in the year.


       The possibility of test for vCJD is looking remote at this stage.  It was noted that the IBTS has 2 people on the HIQA Group which has been established to review prion filtration.

       Emerging Infections

       It was noted that the MAC are keeping under review XMRV (Xexotropic Murine Leukaemia Related Virus) and RVF (Rift Valley Fever) along with WNV (West Nile Virus).  Deferrals have been implemented in areas affected with WNV and RVF.

       Clinical Risk Register

       This is now an item for discussion at the monthly National Consultants Meetings.  The issue of therapeutic apheresis was noted. Dr. Browne advised that St. James’s Hospital are looking at taking over this programme but there are some problems with out of hours service and this will be discussed at a meeting of the co-ordinating group which is taking place in the next couple of weeks as the cessation date by the IBTS is 30th November.

11.  Minutes of Audit & Compliance Committee Meeting 8th June 2010


       The DRAFT minutes of 8th June 2010 as circulated had been agreed and signed at the Audit & Compliance Committee meeting of 9th September.  Mr. Keenan circulated DRAFT minutes of the meeting of 9th September.  He noted that given the Agenda on 9th September it had been agreed to defer discussion on Quality and this would be the only agenda item for discussion at their meeting on 14th October 2010.  He noted that the Committee had met with MAZARS in relation to the ICT audits.

12.  Correspondence


A letter from the DOH&C regarding the proposed changes to the operation National Haemovigilance Office was noted.  The CE suggested that in order to progress this issue the IBTS should fund the proposed ICT System circa €250,000 and this was agreed by the Board.  The CE is to organise a meeting with the DOH&C, the IMB and the IBTS to clarify other areas / roles so that there is no conflict of interest with the NHO.

13.  Any other business


NM&SD Leaving

It was noted that interviews for a replacement for Dr. Murphy was taking place tomorrow and dependent on the outcome Dr. Murphy will be seconded to the HSE from January 2011.

Annual Report 2009

Mr. Keenan noted the Annual Report for 2009.  He said that the document was very well put together and complimented all involved in its production.  It was noted that most of the work was carried out by Mirenda O’Donovan and the Boardcongratulated her on the production.

14. Date of next meeting

The next meeting of the Board of the IBTS will be held on Tuesday 19th October in the NBC at 2pm.

Signed:____________________                                      Date:_________________