19th October 2010 - Board Minutes

Minutes of the Meeting of theBoardof the Irish Blood Transfusion Service held onTuesday 19th October 2010at2.00pmin theBoardroom, National Blood Centre, James’s Street,Dublin8.



Present:                                 Ms Katharine Bulbulia, Chairperson

MrSean Wyse


                                                Dr Mary Cahill  

                                                Mr David Lowe 

Ms Jane O’Brien

Ms Ann Horan

MsSineadNi Mhaille

Dr Paolo Rebulla

Mr David Keenan

                                                Ms Marie Keane

MrMark Moran



Also in attendance:               Mr Andrew Kelly, Chief Executive

Dr William Murphy, Medical & Scientific Director

Ms Mirenda O’Donovan, Secretary to theBoard



The Chairperson thanked Mr Sean Wyse for chairing the last meeting of the Board, as she had been unavoidably delayed. 


1.     Minutes of the Meeting of theBoardonMonday 13th September  2010

The minutes were proposed by Ms Marie Keane, seconded by Ms Jane O’Brien and signed by Mr Sean Wyse.

2.     Matters arising


Gala Concert

Ms Ann Horan thanked and congratulated all involved in organising the Defence Forces gala concert in the National Concert Hall.  This was seconded by the Chairperson.


The CE has met Dr Power and J Willis to discuss the future of the diagnostic services in Cork. Further discussions are to take place with HSE so that a plan can be put together to manage the transition of services.

Research & Development

Two bids have been received.  It was noted that Dr Browne has a conflict of interest regarding any future discussions on this matter at the Board.

Recombinant Products

The CE met the Assistant Director of Finance HSE and SJH Finance Director last week.  A meeting with DOH&C is to be arranged.




New M&SD

It was noted that this post has been accepted by Professor Ian Franklin, currently M&SD with the SNBTS.  It was agreed that this would be announced publicly, at the appropriate time.

Governance Workshop

The CE and the Chairperson have meet Mr Paul Turpin from the IPA who will be facilitating the workshop.  It was agreed that this would take place on Monday 15th November at 2.30pm.

10th anniversary of move to NBC

It was noted that an exhibition of scientific meeting posters and photographs would be displayed around the building to mark the occasion.  It was also agreed that the Chairperson would host a reception on the evening of the next Board meeting in the atrium.  This would replace the Chairperson’s Christmas drinks which normally take place on the evening of the December Boardmeeting.  It was agreed that the Board meeting on 16th November would commence at 1pm.

3.     Chief Executive’s Report


Budget 2011

A meeting has taken place with the DOH&C to discuss the first draft of the budget for 2011.  The DOH&C are seeking an additional 4% reduction in the cost of red cells.  Additional work is being done on the draft budget.

The issue of recombinant products mark up as part of the IBTS funding model is still unresolved.  SJH indicated last week that they want to purchase just for their own requirements.  It has always been the DOH&C’s view that there should be just one contract holder for these products.

Audit & Compliance Committee Meeting

The A&C Committee met last week and the Director of Quality & Compliance presented. The Chair of the A&C Committee said that there was a better understanding of Quality processes and that it would now be easier for the Committee to identify KPIs and interventions to achieve them.

Restructuring inD’Olier Street

The offer is 2 weeks per one year of service plus statutory redundancy. It was noted that this had been reported in the media at the weekend and is being referred to the LRC. There are 3 staff outstanding from 2002 – this is a different offer based on the change being delivered under an agreement confirmed by the LRC in 2006.  This particular claim has been the subject of conciliation conferences and a Labour Court Recommendation. The Board approved the Executive proposal to progress these 3 redundancies.


Correspondence from the DOH&C regarding reducing numbers was discussed.  The CE pointed out that there are issues in particular with agency fees and retaining suitably qualified staff. It was agred that this situation should be regularised.




NHO & Bone Marrow

The Chairperson of the MAC asked to raise a number of issues regarding the NHO and Bone Marrow.  It was noted that the Director of the NHO is due to retire at the end of November and this raised issues regarding continuity of service. The replacement of the database used by the bone marrow registry was also raised.  This is to facilitate a change in the nomenclature being used world wide for database searches and must be in place by April 2011.

The CE confirmed that a locum was being sourced to cover the work for the next few months, until the CE and the new M&SD review the distribution of work among consultants.

The CE also confirmed that the project to replace the database is going ahead.

4.     CorkCentre

A presentation on the site options and possible timelines was given by the Project Manager. The CE has written to the HSE South, seeking clarification regarding a possible site on St Finbarr’s grounds.   It was agreed to seek a meeting with the HSE CE to try and fast track the project.  The Chairperson thanked J Willis on behalf of the Board for his presentation. 

6.     Presentation on Qualitative Research

Sorcha Fanning, Behaviour and Attitudes gave a presentation on the outcome of qualitative research undertaken among donors, lapsed donors and non-donors. The Board noted the change in the perception of the IBTS in those involved in the focus groups. The Chairperson thanked the presenter on behalf of the Board.

5.     Pension Scheme

There was a lengthy discussion about the next steps needed to be taken by the Boardfollowing the judgment in the UNITE case. The draft funding plan prepared for the Pensions Board was also discussed. It was agreed that the Chairperson would write to the Minister outlining the obligations of the Board to staff and trustees and the necessity to make a contribution to the scheme and that a decision will need to be made regarding the levy by 26th November.

7.     BCPMRTC

The MRTC BCP was noted.

8.     Proposal for Blood Establishment Control System

The CE outlined the background to this proposal and that engagement with the DOH&C had already commenced with a view to complying with the requirements of 02/09.  The proposal was approved. It was noted that the Finance Committee will receive the request for tenders when the position has been clarified with the Department of Finance.

9.     Finance Committee20th July 2010

The main items discussed at the Finance Committee were the Pension Scheme, the PHIarrangements and the budget process, including the assumptions on revenues.  It was noted that the business plan was a work in progress.

10. Audit & Compliance Committee8th June 2010

These were noted.

11. Date of next meeting

The next meeting of the Board of the IBTS will be held on Tuesday 16th November at1pm.  The Governance Workshop will take place on Monday 15th November at2.30pm.

Signed:_____________________                                          Date:____________