Haemoglobin levels

Haemoglobin levels

The minimum Hb levels needed to give blood are:

12.5 g/dl in women

13.5 g/dl in men


Haemoglobin (Hb) is a protein that contains iron and is found in red blood cells. It carries oxygen around the body and gives blood its red colour. Your Hb will be tested before you give blood using a test that measures the levels of Hb in the small blood vessels of your finger.

The maximum Hb levels needed to give blood are:

16.4 g/dl in women

17.9 g/dl in men

Donors whose capillary Hb is outside the eligible range for donation will have a venous sample test i.e. testing a drop of venous blood in the HemoCue

A small amount of blood will be taken from a vein in your arm(venous blood).

The minimum requirement with this venous blood result will be

Females 13.0 g/dl

Males 14.0 g/dl

The requirement is higher as this is amore accurate measurement of Hb