High or Low iron

High or Low iron


You can give blood if the anaemia has been treated effectively and you no longer require treatment and the Haemoglobin (Hb) test carried out before giving blood shows that your Hb is in the acceptable range for donation.

You can give blood 12 months after finishing iron tablets if you had iron deficiency anaemia.

You cannot give blood if you are having medical investigations for anaemia or receiving treatment for anaemia.

You cannot give blood if the anaemia is persistent.

You cannot give blood if you have Pernicious Anaemia.

You cannot give blood if you are taking prescribed iron tablets or if you have been advised to take iron tablets to prevent anaemia.


You can give blood if:

-you are positive for the hereditary Haemochromatosis gene


-you do not require venesection


-you have not developed iron overload


-you have no complications of Haemochromatosis


You can give blood if:

-You have been diagnosed with Haemochromatosis


-You have donated in the last 5 years


-You have no complications of Haemochromatosis


-You do not require more than 4 venesections a year

Please phone our donor helpline with any other questions about haemochromatosis 1800 731 137

Click here for more information

The minimum Hb levels needed to give blood are:

12.5 g/dl in women

13.5 g/dl in men