Criteria for Female (Including Trans Female) & Trans Male Donors

What is changing?

Criteria for female (including transgender female) and transgender male donation regarding a donor’s estimated total blood volume. All female (including transgender female) and transgender male donors less than 26 years of age, all lapsed female (including transgender female) and transgender male donors (donors that haven’t donated in 5 years or more) and all new female (including transgender female) and transgender male donors, must review the Nomogram (graph down below) to ensure they are within the green section and therefore eligible to donate.

These guidelines are in relation to a donor’s estimated total blood volume (TBV) which takes account of both height and weight.

Note: this is not the same as your body mass index (BMI)

If you DO NOT meet the criteria outlined above you cannot donate for the time-being. If you don’t know your height and or weight, this can be measured at clinic – please ask.  

Why is this changing?

Donation research and medical evidence have shown that based on height and weight, female (including transgender female) and transgender male donors of smaller build as indicated in the chart below are at an increased risk of fainting following blood donation.

Does the change apply to me if I have already given a donation without any problems?

Yes, this change applies to all females (including transgender females) and transgender males under 26 years old that are regular donors, all lapsed female  (including transgender female) and transgender male donors of any age [female (including transgender female) and transgender male donors that haven’t donated in 5 years or more] and all new female (including transgender female) and transgender male donors of any age . We understand that this may be very disappointing for our donors who will not be able to donate but we look forward to welcoming you back in the future.

How can I check whether this applies to me?

The chart at the bottom of this page has a red area and a green area. If, when plotting your height and weight, the colour of the box the two figures meet at is red, you will be unable to donate. If your weight and your height meet in a green box, this restriction does not apply to you and you can donate.

Will I be able to come back in the future?

Yes! If your weight increases to meet our criteria you can come back to donate again even if under 26 years. When over 26 years, if you have donated in the last 5 years the minimum weight is 50kgs . As above, if you are a new (first time donor) or lapsed (haven’t donated in 5 years or more) donor, you must still be within the green area on the Nomogram below.


