5th October 2004 - Board Minutes
Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of the Irish Blood Transfusion Service held on Tuesday 5th October, 2004 at 2.00 pm Boardroom, National Blood Centre, James's Street, Dublin 8
Present: Ms Maura McGrath (Chairperson)
Mr Sean Wyse
Ms Valerie Mannix
Mr Tony McNamara
Dr Liz Keane
Mr David Lowe
Dr Cees Van Der Poel
Mr David Keenan
Apologies: Dr Mary Horgan
In Attendance: Mr Andrew Kelly (CE)
Dr William Murphy (NMD)
Mr. Michael Healy (SEO)
1. Minutes of Previous Meeting held on 14.07.2004
The minutes of the Board meeting held on Wednesday 14th July 2004 were adopted on the proposal of Ms. V. Mannix, seconded by Mr. D. Lowe and signed by the Chairperson.
2. Matters arising
As part of the budget proposals for 2004, the upgrading to the eProgesa computer system was approved by the Board as one of the priority projects for 2004 and the CE briefed the Board on the advantages of updating to eProgesa.
The second Consultant Haematologist post in the MRTC is being advertised at present with a closing date of 15/10/2004.
The CE has briefed all IBTS staff on management restructuring in the IBTS. It is intended that the new structure will be implemented from 1/11/2004 once the 2005 budgetary process has been agreed.
The proposals with regard to the pension are to be sent to the unions in the coming month as part of the pension review.
Mr James Ryan has been appointed as Internal Auditor in the IBTS. Mr Ryan previously worked with An Post.
3. Correspondence
The letter from Michael Martin TD 2/9/2004 in regard to funding for the Cork Centre and other issues was noted. It was felt that members of the IBTS Board should meet with the new Minister for Health & Children, Mary Harney at the earliest opportunity. It was agreed that the vacancies on the Board should be filled as soon as possible.
4. Chief Executive Report
The report was noted.
As and from September 17th 2004, the recommendation by the MAC that supply of processed pooled bone from the IBTS should cease, was implemented. This recommendation is in line with the recommendation of the Economics & Operational Research division of the Dept. of Health (UK) regarding processed-pooled bone. In addition any unused processed bone in the hospital system was recalled. It was noted that this would have a negligible effect on bone supply as the IBTS supplies a small percentage of bone requirements.
A Climate Survey of all staff is being carried out in the IBTS at present and will finish Friday October 8th. Feedback from the survey is expected within a week. Analysis and follow up of the survey will be carried out. It was agreed that a presentation on the Climate Survey would be made to Board.
Progress report on the work of the Donor Task Force will be presented to the Board in December.
5. vCJD - 1 Year Deferral
Dr W Murphy briefed the Board on the IBTS Policy with regard to vCJD deferral. Deferral on the basis of 1-year cumulative residency in the UK has been a stated goal of the IBTS since March 2001. This has been implemented in stages beginning with a 5-year, than a 3-year and now deferral of persons who have cumulatively resided in the UK for a period of 1 year or more. The effect of this policy on the blood supply in Ireland has been more acute than in most other countries.
6. Patient Outcome Analysis
Dr J Power presented a report on the lookback for recipients of specified components irradiated at the MRTC. The Board was satisfied with the outcome of the report and that the requirements of the IMB were met and that the matter had been closed out. The maintaining of established standards throughout the IBTS was emphasised. The report will be finalised by the subcommittee and presented to the IMB 14/10/2004. The collaboration with hospital laboratories, clinicians and the highlighting of new guidelines was seen as a beneficial offshoot of the Patient Outcome analysis. It is hoped to develop this sort of collaboration with other hospitals around the country. It was suggested that the Board might look again at this issue before the end of the year. Ms M McGrath thanked all the staff involved for bringing this project to a satisfactory conclusion.
7. Development of Cork Centre
The interim development has now been completed and the Grouping and Virology laboratories are operational since September 6th 2004. The refurbishment of the existing building commenced on September 20th and should be completed by the end of October 2004.
Mr Kelly suggested that the new premises should be officially opened by the Chairperson and marked in some way prior to the completion of the refurbishment work. The completion of the work can be marked as a major improvement in facilities and a testament to the investment by the IBTS in the centre at St Finbarrs.
8. Finance Committee
The minutes of the Audit Committee 7th July 2004 were noted. The minutes of the Finance Committee Meeting 2nd June 2004 were noted.
The Board approved the extension of the overdraft facility to December 2004 to 1,000,000.
The Irish version of the Financial Statements 2003 were signed off by the Board.
It was agreed that the membership of the Finance Committee should include the National Medical Director and the Terms of Reference were adjusted to reflect this.
9. Minutes of MAC Meeting 15th June & 14th July 2004
This item is deferred to the meeting of October 13th 2004.
10. Donor Notification
11. Date of Next Meeting
13th October 2004
Signed: . .. Date: .