11 January 2006 - Board Minutes

Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of the Irish Blood Transfusion Service held on Wednesday 11th January 2006 at 2pmin the Boardroom, National Blood Centre, James's Street, Dublin 8

Present:                                  Dr. Melanie Cotter                           

                                              Ms. Jane OBrien

                                                Dr. Liz Keane

                                               Mr. Sean Wyse

Mr. David Lowe

                                                Mr. Tony McNamara

Mr. Mark Moran

Apologies:                  Ms. Maura McGrath (Chairperson)

                                    Mr. David Keenan

Dr. Mary Cahill

Dr. Mary Horgan



In Attendance:           Mr. Andrew Kelly (CE)

                                    Dr. William Murphy (NMD)

                                    Mr. Jim Shanahan (SEO)



In the absence of the Chairperson it was unanimously agreed that Mr S Wyse would chair the meeting.

Minutes of Meeting8th December 2005


The minutes of the Board meeting held on Thursday, 8th December 2005, were adopted on the proposal of Mr T McNamara, seconded by Mr M Moran and signed by Mr S Wyse.

Matters Arising


It was agreed that the Board would write to the Chairperson of the MAC informing them that the following items must be included in the updated MAC Terms of Reference:

(i) recommendations from MAC are to be referred to the Executive to assess and quantify the non-medical impact on the organisation prior to presentation to the Board for approval and

(ii) MAC is responsible for the development of relevant Key Performance Indicators against which clinical governance in the IBTS can be assessed.



Dr W Murphy informed the meeting of the contingency arrangements to be implemented in the event of a flu pandemic being experienced.

Dr W Murphy updated the Board regarding progress on the clinical trials on prion removal filters in GalwayUniversity Hospital.

EU Directive National Quality System


The NQAM gave a presentation to the Board on the European Communities (Quality and Safety of Human Blood and Blood Components) Regulations 2005 S.I. No. 360 of 2005; the requirements that these regulations place on Blood Establishments and Hospital Blood Banks and their implications for the organisations Quality System.

The CE and NMD are to report back on the organisations responsibility in relation to product traceability, under these regulations, when operating as a Hospital Blood Bank on behalf of certain hospitals.

The CE is to propose to the next meeting a process for reporting to the Board, on a regular basis, on the performance of our Quality System in the context of the requirements of the EU Directive.

4.         Chief Executives Report


The CE report was noted.



The sub-group briefed the Board on their meeting to explore the possibilities for progressing the building of the Cork Centre, together with establishing a Chair of Transfusion Medicine in Cork.

It was agreed that a meeting is sought with Tanaiste/DOHC.

The sub-group will meet to prepare a briefing document for the Chairperson and other members of the Board who will attend this meeting.

Allocation of Financial Resources



7.         Minutes of MAC Meeting10th November 2005


            The Minutes of the MAC Meeting 10th November 2005 were noted. 

8.         Correspondence


The correspondence between the CE and Mr Simon Kiskovski, MAK Systems regarding the implementation of eProgesa was noted.


9.         Date and Venue of Next Meeting

It was agreed that meetings for the year will take place at 2pm on the second Wednesday of each month.

The next meeting of the Board will take place in the NBC onWednesday 8th February 2006at 2pm.

            Signed:&&&&&&&&&&.&&..           Date:&&&&&&&&