17th June 2008 - Board Minutes

Minutes of the Meeting of theBoardof the Irish Blood Transfusion Service held onTuesday 17th June 2008at2.00pmin theBoardroom, National Blood Centre, James’s Street,Dublin8.


Present:                                 MsMaura McGrath(Chairperson)

Dr Mary Cahill

Ms. Margaret Mullett

Dr Robert Landers

Mr David Lowe

Mr Gerry O’Dwyer

MrSean Wyse

                                                Ms Jane O’Brien

MrMark Moran

Dr Margaret Murray



Apologies:                              Mr David Keenan

DrCees Van Der Poel


Also in attendance:               Mr. Andrew Kelly, Chief Executive

Dr William Murphy, National Medical Director

Mirenda O’Donovan, Secretary to theBoard


The Chairperson on behalf of the Board expressed a special thank you to all concerned in the organisation of the World Blood Donor Day event at Áras an Uachtaráin on Saturday 14th June.

1.                 Minutes of the meeting of 20th May 2008

The minutes of the meeting of the Board of 20th May 2008were agreed subject to amendment and were proposed by Mr M Moran and seconded by Dr M Cahill.

2.                 Matters arising

Therapeutic Apheresis Service

A meeting has been held with the HSE on the future of this service, the clinicians in the hospitals that we provide service for were alsoinformed of the situation and discussions have been initiated with staff.

3.                 Chief Executive’s Report


IMB Inspections

2 inspections on 6th June, one focusing on a number of IT projects, the other focusing on Good Distribution Practice (GDP).  This was our first GDP inspection.  The CE updated the Board on the outcome of the inspections and the immediate corrective measures which had taken place.  The formal report on the inspections should be received within a month.


KPMG Report on eProgesa

An ICT Council has been established with specific terms of reference.  A priority for the group is to develop an ICT strategy, and a review of the skills mix and structure of the IT department has been carried out. The ICT Council has met on two occasions and the next meeting is scheduled for 15th July.

An amendment proposed to the terms of reference of the ICT Council and was agreed by the CE.

An outline framework for a universally applicable project methodology in the IBTS has been agreed by the BRG the detail of which will now be developed.  It was agreed that project management skills needed to be developed internally.

HR Issues

Management have gone back to the MLSA to discuss progressing the required changes in the laboratories.  A number of options are being considered and the CE will keep the Board updated.

Uniform Quality System

A project has been initiated to progress this issue and the CE will revert to the July Board meeting with timeline etc.

4.                 Presentation on Clinical Services

The Consultant Haematologist with responsibility for Clinical Services at the NBC gave a presentation to the Board on the work done in clinical services.  TheBoardthanked her for her detailed and informative presentation.

6.          Approval of 2007 Financial Statements and presentation on

           financial update for Jan to May 2008  

The Director of Finance made a presentation to the Board on (i) the Financial Statements as at 31st December 2007(ii) the annual audit by the C&AG and (iii) the financial situation to 31st May 2008.  The Board approved the financial statements for 2007. The Board expressed their thanks to the Director of Finance and her staff for the excellent report from the audit by the C&AG.

The Statement of Board Members responsibilities was signed by the Chairperson and a Board member. The Chairperson and Chief Executive signed the letter of representation. The Statement of Internal Financial Controls was signed by the Chairperson.

5.                 Minutes of the MAC Meeting– 15th April 2008

The minutes were taken as read.  The status of the NHO and the replacement of cryoprecipitate with fibrinogen were discussed.  It was noted that the consultant manpower review by the CE and NMD was ongoing.  The CE would revert to the Board on this matter in due course.

Clarification was sought on the procedures for referring IMB matters to the MAC and to the Audit &Compliance Committee.  It was pointed out that the purpose of the MAC reviewing the IMB inspection reports was to ensure that clinical/medical issues would be dealt with appropriately.

7.            Minutes of the Audit & Compliance Committee– 8th April 2008

The minutes were taken as read.  A new external member of the Committee has been appointed.  The Committee met with representatives of the C&AG’s office who were very satisfied with their audit.  The tagging of assets was one issue raised.  The audit plan for IT was presented and approved.

8.            CorkCentre

It was agreed that there would be an update presentation by the Executive to the Board at the July meeting. It was agreed that the CE would seek a meeting with Anne Doherty regarding the site on CUH grounds.

9.         Date of next meeting

It was agreed that the agenda for the July meeting would include the review of the Board’s away day, which had been circulated. The Chairperson requested that each Board member would come to the meeting with 3 items that they wanted to see achieved in the Strategic Plan. 

The next meeting of the Board will be on Tuesday 15th July at the IBTS Centre inCorkat2pm. 

Signed: _______________________             Date: _______________