Thanks for your support
SSE Airtricity
Supports IBTS by promoting Bloodworks to all their staff, giving them time during the work day to attend our Stillorgan clinic. SSE Airtricity have also let us promote blood donation to runners and families of the Dublin City Marathon, an event they sponsor. Thanks to their support IBTS had a stand at the Marathon Expo in the RDS that was attended by 20,000 marathon runners to collect their race entry numbers
Emergency services
IBTS works with emergency services, as staff in these organisations see the need for blood donation first hand every day in their jobs. Across all parts of the emergency services we receive great support in terms of staff giving blood or platelets, and through participation in photo opportunities, helping us spread the message to the wider public community.
Skoda Ireland
ŠKODA Ireland and IBTS both believe in exceptionally high standards of quality care, expertise and safety in everything they do and have partnered together in 2019 to encourage ŠKODA car owners to think about giving blood in their local communities and the impact this has. The core campaign idea is: Quality, expertise and safety is in our blood at ŠKODA. This is why we are proud to partner with ŠKODA servicing makes your car better, but when you give blood you make someone else’s life better. Think about helping your community and give blood in 2019. This campaign will be promoted via press, social media elements and collateral visible in ŠKODA's nationwide network of dealerships.